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Olympiad class ukg Maths

1 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?

⭐ 🌙 ⭐ 🌙 ⭐

2 / 25

💐💐💐💐💐- 💐 1 taken away from 5=____

3 / 25

Write the number that come just before 172

4 / 25

Choose the correct symbol


5 / 25

4 and 3 equals_____

6 / 25


🐠 🐠 🐠  🐠 🐠 🐠 🐠 - 🐠 = ?

From seven take away one.  Leaves= ______


7 / 25

🍔 🍔 🍔

🍔 🍔 🍔         -   🍔🍔🍔    6-3=____

8 / 25

Which object is rectangular in shape?

9 / 25

What time is showing in the picture?

🌇 The sun sets in the west.

10 / 25

How many corners are there in a triangle 📐

11 / 25

📱 📱 📱 📱+  📱📱📱📱📱= ___

12 / 25

7+3= ____

13 / 25

Which object is the tallest?

14 / 25

Which shape shows the sun

15 / 25

🎈 🎈 🎈+ 🎈 🎈 ____

16 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?

🐶 😺 🐶 😺 🐶 😺 🐶

17 / 25

🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦

🍦  🍦   🍦        -      🍦 🍦= ?

From 8 take away 2= ____

18 / 25

Find the missing number?


19 / 25

Write the number name

15 = _________

20 / 25

Which animals are more in number?

21 / 25

Skip count by 2s and write the next two numbers

52, _____,_____

22 / 25

Find out the biggest number

23 / 25

What can you buy with money?

24 / 25

Identify the shape of a  birthday cap

25 / 25

Which object is the shortest?

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