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Olympiad UKG Math Set-6

1 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


2 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


3 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?



4 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


5 / 25

What comes next in the series?


6 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?

🚗 🚌 🚗🚌🚗🚌

7 / 25

Find the odd one out:

8 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


9 / 25

What comes next in the series?


10 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


11 / 25

What comes next in the series?


12 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


13 / 25

What comes next in the series?


14 / 25

What comes next in the series?


15 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


16 / 25

Complete the given number pattern.


17 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


18 / 25

Which shape is different from the others?

19 / 25

Complete the number pattern


20 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


21 / 25

The third object in the following pattern is ____.

🍎🍏 🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎

22 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


23 / 25

What comes next in the series?


24 / 25

What comes next in the pattern?


25 / 25

Which shape is different from the others?

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