Olympiad class 5 maths LCM and HCF
1 / 25
The factors of 24 are:
2 / 25
The HCF of two numbers is 144 and their LCM is 2880.if one of the numbers is 720. What is the other numbers?
3 / 25
The LCM of two co- prime numbers is equal to their ______.
4 / 25
The largest 2- digit prime number is____.
5 / 25
Each prime numbers has exactly factor.
6 / 25
LCM of 120,180 and 280 is:
7 / 25
Which of the following is not divisible by 3?
8 / 25
HCF of 45 and 30 is
9 / 25
________ is neither prime nor composite number.
10 / 25
The HCF of 18,24 and 30 is:
11 / 25
All numbers are multiple of ______.
12 / 25
Numbers that end in 0 or 5 are divisible by ______.
13 / 25
The smallest number that is divisible by 28, 42 and 56 is:
14 / 25
2×5×7=70.So, 70 is a multiple of
15 / 25
Which of the following is a pair of co- prime numbers?
16 / 25
The least prime number is_____.
17 / 25
The first two common multiple of 5 and 3 are _____and _____.
18 / 25
How many prime numbers are there from 1 to 100?
19 / 25
The smallest composite number is ____.
20 / 25
Which is the only ever number?
21 / 25
There are there prime numbers between:
22 / 25
LCM of 12,18,24 and 36 is
23 / 25
____ is a factor of every number.
24 / 25
The greatest number which divides 148 and 100 leaving remainder 4 in each case is:
25 / 25
Prime numbers which differ by two are called ______.
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