Olympiad class-1 English Singular/ Plural
1 / 25
What is the plural of "book"?
2 / 25
How do you make "house" plural?
3 / 25
What is the plural form of "flower"?
4 / 25
Howdo you make "sun" plural?
5 / 25
How do you make "apple" plural?
6 / 25
Choose the correct plural form of "baby":
7 / 25
8 / 25
Choose the correct plural form of "friend":
9 / 25
What is the plural form of "mouse"?
10 / 25
What is the singular form of "flowers"?
11 / 25
Whatis the plural form of "ball"?
12 / 25
What is the plural form of"bat"?
13 / 25
What is the plural of "chair"?
14 / 25
15 / 25
What is the plural of toy"?
16 / 25
What is the plural form of "fish"?
17 / 25
Cho0se the correct plural form of"tree":
18 / 25
What is the plural of"pencl"?
19 / 25
Choose the correct plural form of "star":
20 / 25
How do you make "car' plural?
21 / 25
Choose the correct plural form of "banana":
22 / 25
How do you make "bird" plural?
23 / 25
Choose the correct singular form of "bears":
24 / 25
How do you make "lion" plural?
25 / 25
What is the plural form of"table"?
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