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STD 5 Science set 1

1 / 25

1) A small object that revolves around a planet is :

2 / 25

2) _______ is very cold but the water in pools and lakes is warm.

3 / 25

3) In which layer of the Earth's atmosphere is ozone found?

4 / 25

4) The moon completes one rotation in about _______ days.

5 / 25

5) When the size of the bright portion of the moon grows , it is called ______

6 / 25

6) Which of the following is the layer of atmosphere?

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7) The moon completes one revolution around the earth in _____

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8) Any object that revolves around a planet in a fixed path is called a ______

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9) Why does the moon appear to be larger than the stars ?

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10) In which of the methods of water purification is the water with insoluble impurities left undisturbed?

11 / 25

11) Pick out the wrong statement.

12 / 25

12) Which of the following satellites are used for transmitting television programmes ?

13 / 25

13) ________ is the outermost layer of the earth.

14 / 25

14) Addition of small doses of chlorine gas into filtered water is known as :

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15) A scientist who studies objects in space such as stars, moons, planets, etc. Is called a/an

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16) The moon has no

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17) The _____ is the centre of the solar system:

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18) ________ occurs when the moon comes in between the earth and the sun .

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19) This water is mainly used in car batteries, in science labs and in medicines.

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20) Which of the following are the properties of air?

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21) Salt is obtained from sea water by the Process of ________

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22) The sun is about ______ times bigger than the earth's diameter.

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23) Riya took a deep breath and blew into a balloon to make it puff up. What does this show?

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24) The outermost layer of the earth is called _____

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25) The inner core is like a solid ball made of :

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